What is Scowty?
Scowty is an apartment review service that connects apartment hunters with local Scowts who will take pictures, provide a summary review and a letter grade evaluation of the unit.
This service is ideal for any apartment hunter, but especially if you are looking to move to a different city, have identified potential living units, and want to inspect the premises without physically traveling there. Use our services as well to negotiate cheaper rent or to have proof of unit condition so you don't lose your security deposit on pre-existing damages.
the scowt report
New! - The Scowt Report is ideal if you are looking for a honest and summarized review of an apartment that you are interested in renting. You don't buy other products without reading reviews - why should your potential residence be any different?
4-Step Framework
Our Scowts complete a personalized review of the unit. Think of this as a product review before you buy! If there is an odor, it will be noted. If the stove doesn't work, it will be noted.
Detailed Photos
Our Scowts will take photos of your potential unit. You don't have to worry anymore that you're seeing pictures of a different unit or are not getting an honest description of your potential home!
Our Scowts will grade the unit and will provide a local touch and opinion of the unit itself, the apartment complex as well as the surrounding area.
The goal of the Scowt Report is to answer those questions that are important to you. So, tell us what is most important to you! Do you want a specific question asked? Do you want a particular picture taken?